Android studio development kit
Android studio development kit

android studio development kit

  • Finally, compile and run your application using the SDK tools in the usual way.
  • android studio development kit

    The build tools copy the stripped, shared libraries needed by your application to the proper location in the application's project directory. Build your native code by running the " ndk-build" (in NDK installed directory) script from your project's directory.Create a "" to describe your native sources to the NDK build system.Create a sub-directory called " jni" and place all the native sources here.The steps in building an Android NDK app are: The NDK documentation is kept in the " docs" sub-directory. Read the NDK documentation "documentation.html" Android NDK's installed directory. Writing a Hello-world Android NDK Program Step 0: Read the Documentation Include the NDK installed directory in the PATH environment variable.I shall denote the installed directory as. The NDK will be unzipped as d:\myproject\android-ndk-r8. Unzip the downloaded zip file into a directory of your choice (e.g., d:\myproject).

    android studio development kit

    Download the Android NDK from (e.g., up all the necessary tools for Android programming, such as JDK, Eclipse, Android SDK, Eclipse ADT (Read " How to install Android SDK and Get Started") and (for Windows Users) Cygwin (Read " How to install Cygwin" and " GCC and Make").Native code (in C/C++) is necessary for high performance to overcome the limitations in Java's memory management and performance. The NDK provides all the tools (compilers, libraries, and header files) to build apps that access the device natively. Installing the Native Development Kit (NDK) Android provides Native Development Kit (NDK) to support native development in C/C++, besides the Android Software Development Kit (Android SDK) which supports Java. However, at times, you need to overcome the limitations of Java, such as memory management and performance, by programming directly into Android native interface. Android apps are typically written in Java, with its elegant object-oriented design.

    Android studio development kit